Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) - the right way to reach your goals!

Having a goal is the first step to success, and progressing towards it consistently is the right way of achieving it.
SIP encourages you to invest a fixed amount at predetermined interval and gives you the opportunity to earn long term returns.

Calculate SIP as per your goals


Financal Goals

Rupees (in Lakhs)

0 10L 20L 30L 40L 50L 60L 70L 80L 90L 100L

Annual Rate of Returns

(in Percentage)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

*The above results are based on an assumed rate of return. Please get in touch with your professional advisor for a detailed suggestion.

Work out your SIP amount carefully

Plan to grow your SIP amount over time to maximize your returns over long term. Plan to grow your SIP amount over time to maximize your returns over long term. Plan to grow your SIP amount over time to maximize your returns over long term.

How SIP helps you achieve your goals with ease

Allows you to start investing with as little as Rs. 100

Inculcates the discipline of saving and investing regularly

There is no need to constantly watch or time the market

Investing at different market levels helps reduce per-unit cost of buying

Power of compounding helps wealth grow at an increased rate

Things you should keep in mind before starting an SIP

Work out your SIP amount carefully

Plan to grow your SIP amount over time to maximize your returns over long term.

Invest with a Goal in Mind

It could be a brand new car, your child’s higher education, or an international trip. Investing with a goal in mind helps you choose the right amount and tenure, and also helps you stay on track.

Invest for long term

This encourages you to stay invested even during lower market levels, which in turn helps you buy more units and could allow you to maximize your long-term returns.

Choose your SIP date carefully

Look at the cycle of credit and debit in your bank account, and plan your SIP debit within the first week of the money credit.